Dear Michael,
I just wanted you to have as arsenal these facts which are applicable with the case at hand. The following link will explain the case, and a link to the court decision documents which is in Portuguese and even if you translate it, it is lengthy, however I can attached the main issue a message here.
relying chiefly on a study published 28 Sep 2020.
I hope this might be the smoking gun you were hoping for, as I am aware that the cycles used by UK labs are in excess of the 25 cycle threshold and therefore should according to the above study and the Portuguese court decision be available to UK government advisors who ultimately are culpable and in hand with the ministers you intend taking to court.
In addition, the UK Gov website published the PCR test number of cycle guidelines on Published 28 October 2020 but was vague even though the data points clearly to the fact that anything taken above 25 cycle should have been limited as having false positives was in actual fact the goal of some in Government.
They could have clearly have said that any RT-PCR test should clearly state the cycles and that any positive results above 20 say cycles eg. should be negative (non-infectious) . But they did not, and continue to deny scientific fact, and keep the casedemic narrative going with unnecessary lockdowns and masks in an effort to trick the public by fear mongering tactics to eventually force unnecessary and unwarranted mandatory vaccination.
Attached is the publication on link
NHS guidelines use 45 cycles. That just goes to show what is going on