British doctor Vernon Coleman is the author of 100 books on diseases and epidemics asking countries
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4 years ago
الدكتور البريطاني فيرنون كولمان مؤلف 100 كتاب عن الأمراض والأوبئة يسأل دول العالم .. ؟؟
لماذا لم تعلن عن وفاة 162 ألف شخص في العالم بسبب الإنفلونزا العادية خلال الأشهر الثلاثة الماضية ، بينما كسرت رؤوسنا بالإعلان عن وفاة 9 فقط بسبب كورونا خلال نفس الفترة ، وتوفي معظمهم بسبب أصلاً كان يعاني من أمراض في الصدر والصدر ؟!
British doctor Vernon Coleman is the author of 100 books on diseases and epidemics asking countries of the world .. ??
Why did not you announce the death of 162 thousand people in the world from the regular flu over the past three months, while you broke our heads by announcing the death of 9 only because of Corona during the same period, and most of them died because he originally had chest and chest diseases ?! Coleman was born in 1946, the son of an electrical engineer.[citation needed] He grew up an only child, in Walsall, West Midlands, England, where he attended Queen Mary's Grammar School.[citation needed]
As a child he was unsure what he wanted to do, but then, according to The Independent in 2008, he said he "met a friend of the family when I was about 12 who said, if you're a lawyer you spend your life making people unhappy, and if you're a doctor you spend your life trying to make people happy."[citation needed]
Before going to medical school, Coleman worked between 1964 and 1965 as a CSV volunteer in Kirkby, Liverpool,[12] getting children to paint old people's houses and doing their shopping. According to Coleman, "The unions threatened to strike, as they were taking away work, that they weren't doing anyway...